About the method

Body wellness and health enhancing practices

Coronavirus, pandemic, quarantine – the terms have captured minds of all mankind. Contradictory information about the nature of the notorious virus, the limitations implied to prevent its global spread, loss of jobs and sources of income ignited the panic set of mind that undermined the immune system functioning of the vast majority of population.

It sometimes looks as if we are not struggling to cease the coronavirus – on the contrary, we seem to be setting up all psychological preconditions for its smooth spreading.

Under the circumstances, all rational people are seeking to find their own way out of this trap.

Since the virus is targeted onto a weakened immune system, it is reasonable to do our best to enhance and improve its condition. Medicine, vitamins and other stimulants have been discredited by vast amount of adverse side effects. How about sports? Well, right. But doing sports one only may compensate the lack of adequate physical exercises. We, however, need to implement certain intellectual practices which are directly bound with human immune system, mind and body.

The name of the game is yoga – the well-established system of practices to keep both the body and soul in natural harmony and balance.  One might say: right, this is the solution of the problem. But it is not all that simple as it sounds.

There are numerous practices which use the term “yoga” in their titles. Many of them, unfortunately, are just a worthless imitation that can bring no benefits to the practitioners, and, at times, may cause only harm.

Therefore, before you decide to visit a yoga studio, just spend some time to dig into the matter in more detail.

Nowadays, the world-renowned leader in yogic practices is doubtlessly the Iyengar Yoga method. It is popular and recognized all over the world. The success of the method is , at large, ensured by the high proficiency level of the yoga instructors. In order to get certified, an Iyengar Yoga teacher has to have a continuous and steady personal everyday practice for many years, combined with in-depth study of all the systems and organs of human body in the light of the most up-to-date scientific research and knowledge.

The instructors of such a high level of qualification can ensure notable therapeutic results for their students.

If you live in the city of Varna or its outskirts, you are welcome to visit our yoga studio “Master of Balance” at www.mb-bg.com where all classes are conducted by certified Iyenga Yoga teaches.

You may also confirm this information by visiting the official website of RIMYI Yoga Institute in Puna (India) at bksiyengar.com.

We can tell you more about the convenient location of the yoga studio, its modern and equipped yoga hall, nice and modern interior design, cozy tea room and beautiful English backyard.

However, a pudding is worth by eating. So you’d better come and see it all yourself.

The yoga studio has been popular among the keen yoga practitioners in Varna and region for more than 8 years now.

Now let’s return to where we started. Today, mindful breathing techniques, body extensions and individually selected sets of yoga poses – asanas – are believed to be the best medications for prevention of the disease and enhancing the immune system of the body – a surefire shield against the notorious coronavirus in all its known forms.

There is absolutely no need to be shy. It is never too late to start or resume your yoga practice.

Yoga classes in the studio are conducted in English, Bulgarian and Russian language. You may opt for either individual or group sessions for students of all levels of practice and body conditions.

Recently, group classes of mindful breathing techniques – Pranayama- have been launched for expats- newcomers in English.

There is a rule of the thumb that only regular and steady practice can bring the expected results.

For the new visitors of the studio, the first class if free. If you purchase a monthly plan, you will get a 25% discount off the regular rate.

There are also pleasant discounts of college students and retired pensioners. You can bring your friends along, and you shall get additional bonuses.

To learn about our offer in more detail, please give us a call at: +359885818562 Natalia.
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